#Biomedical Research

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Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
1 month ago
Women in technology

Study: gender gaps persist for female scientists

Female biomedical researchers receiving more grants, but senior scientists receive the majority, leaving junior female scientists with fewer opportunities. [ more ]
2 months ago
Data science

Declining postdoc numbers threaten the future of US life science

Biological and biomedical postdoctoral researchers decreased by over 10% in US institutions between 2020 and 2022.
Number of postdocs eligible to be counted barely changed up to 2020 despite adjustments. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
5 months ago
Los Angeles

Patt Morrison: The death - or not? - of L.A.'s shopping malls

Shopping malls, once thought to be dead due to online shopping, are making a comeback with new purposes, such as becoming biomedical research centers.
The Westside Pavilion mall in Los Angeles is being revived as the UCLA Research Park, focusing on biomedical research and other scientific fields. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
6 months ago
Los Angeles

The old Westside Pavilion will transform into a UCLA biomedical and quantum science center

The former Westside Pavilion mall in Los Angeles will be transformed into a UCLA biomedical research center focused on curing cancer and preventing global pandemics.
The UCLA Research Park will house two centers focusing on immunology and immunotherapy, as well as quantum science and engineering. [ more ]
6 months ago
Right-wing politics

How One Texas County Is Fighting 43,000 Monkeys

A biomedical research firm purchased land in Brazoria County to house thousands of monkeys.
The presence of monkeys on the property has caused controversy among local residents. [ more ]
News Center
1 week ago
OMG science

Improving Measurement of Gene Expression in Single Cells - News Center

RNA sequencing is vital in scientific research, and a new machine learning algorithm can accurately identify individual cells for more precise data. [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
1 month ago
Women in technology

Study: gender gaps persist for female scientists

Female biomedical researchers receiving more grants, but senior scientists receive the majority, leaving junior female scientists with fewer opportunities. [ more ]
2 months ago
Data science

Declining postdoc numbers threaten the future of US life science

Biological and biomedical postdoctoral researchers decreased by over 10% in US institutions between 2020 and 2022.
Number of postdocs eligible to be counted barely changed up to 2020 despite adjustments. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
5 months ago
Los Angeles

Patt Morrison: The death - or not? - of L.A.'s shopping malls

Shopping malls, once thought to be dead due to online shopping, are making a comeback with new purposes, such as becoming biomedical research centers.
The Westside Pavilion mall in Los Angeles is being revived as the UCLA Research Park, focusing on biomedical research and other scientific fields. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
6 months ago
Los Angeles

The old Westside Pavilion will transform into a UCLA biomedical and quantum science center

The former Westside Pavilion mall in Los Angeles will be transformed into a UCLA biomedical research center focused on curing cancer and preventing global pandemics.
The UCLA Research Park will house two centers focusing on immunology and immunotherapy, as well as quantum science and engineering. [ more ]
6 months ago
Right-wing politics

How One Texas County Is Fighting 43,000 Monkeys

A biomedical research firm purchased land in Brazoria County to house thousands of monkeys.
The presence of monkeys on the property has caused controversy among local residents. [ more ]
News Center
1 week ago
OMG science

Improving Measurement of Gene Expression in Single Cells - News Center

RNA sequencing is vital in scientific research, and a new machine learning algorithm can accurately identify individual cells for more precise data. [ more ]
Mail Online
6 months ago
OMG science

Gross sea creature that looks like feces may help fight CANCER

Sea cucumber compounds have shown potential in killing liver cancer cells in the lab.
These compounds may also stimulate the growth of neurons, aiding in recovery from brain and spinal cord injuries. [ more ]
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